Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Creating Blog using Email

This BLOG technology is maturing. The blogger provides a facility to
create a Blog using email too. I am just trying to see how it works.

Bangalore Linux 2004

Bangalore Linuc 2004 is scheduled for 1st - 3rd December 2004 and JN Tata Auditorium. The list of talks looks interesting. I am looking forward to attend the event.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

FireFox 1.0 Relesed

Today finally the day has come. Firefox 1.0 is relesed. I was really waiting for the day. Now we can "Rediscover the Web" in true sense.

Even since I saw the FireFox browser (it was called as FireBird then), I started using it. It is really a fast and cool browser. The Mozilla team has really put in efforts to make it "The Best".

One of the features I like about this browser is it is really a lightweight browser, with download size of less than 5 MB, and still packed with features. Of course, all the features do not come out of the box, but need to be downloaded. But that gives a lot of flexibility.

The themes and cool too. You have a big set of themes available to match the taste. And Plug-ins have endless opportunity to add functionality.

Today all the sites offering downloads were overwhelmed and it was very difficult to be able to download the browser. Finally I managed to download just now and yet to try it out.

Will try to post a review once I use Firefox 1.0.